Tuesday, August 24, 2010

under construction

It's been 3 days since my last post..It was a tiring but fun weekend for the three of us.We threw a small birthday party (part 2) for Jairos last saturday in quezon city so that his other cousins could celebrate with him also(i'll post the details and the photos on my next entry*wink*). I only got the chance to start my new-nest-construction project last monday.
First task,I browsed the web for other online sites to gather ideas. Honestly, I invested a lot of time doing this one coz there were a lot of awesome sites out there! I had a hard time choosing the best.

Second task,I studied how the website builder work. This was the most challenging part. Although the method was easy, just drag and drop the layout, no html or whatsoever (c'mon i'm a physician not a computer geek!), it still gave me a throbbing headache..

Third task,I start creating the website. I'm currently stuck in this part but am very proud to say that my website is almost done. I already published it yesterday, meaning my new nest is already floating somewhere out there the web! I'm still working on the the design of my banner and the display photos in my gallery.

Hopefully I can finish this soon but right now, I need to take care of my sick little baby :( haaaay..everybody is getting sick these days...

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