Sunday, August 15, 2010

Mama & Jajai's Birthday Celebration!

My son and my mom share the same birthday, August 17. Since that date will fall on Tuesday (working day), we decided to have it celebrated in advanced yesterday. It was a simple but fun birthday party.

Jairos loved his Ben 10 cake which I ordered from Red Ribbon few days ago. We also bought my mom her own delicious chocolate fudge cake!
{Ben10 cake}

{my mom preparing her special puto..yummy!}
{the women in charged to kitchen..tita Dinggay, ate Belen and my mom}
{see how excited Jairos was to eat his cake!}
the fun is not yet over..Alex and I are still preparing for Jaijai's another birthday party this coming weekend in quezon city. Till next time!

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