Monday, October 11, 2010

blue + white fan type wedding invitation

more designs on my next post very soon! :)

Giorgio John's baptismal invite!

Most of the time, when someone order a baptismal invite from me, it is rush. And these cards, is one of the rush deals i closed. I received the call from Mayor Merin a week before the event and asked me if i could make a baptismal invite for her baby. She wanted 2 designs, the one she would gave to the godparents and the other one she would gave to other guests. So, for the godparent's invite, i made a half fold style card w/ the godparents name attached in the middle using a satin ribbon, and for the guest's invite, i made a simple flat card.


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

eighteenth birthday invites

I'm done with my rush orders. All packages are now being shipped. Since i'm back to my smooth daily work..I got a chance to design these two lovely invites perfect for a chic debutant.

Friday, October 1, 2010

baptismal invitation: blue baby butterfly

I got a rush order of baptismal invitation yesterday. So when I woke up this morning, I just had a quick breakfast and started working with my laptop. Here's the sneak peek...